Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How is my donation used?

The Florida Lung Health Coalition champions the cause of lung health by advocating for increased access to lung cancer screening. We are dedicated to raising awareness, facilitating education, and fostering collaborations among health care providers, communities, and individuals. Our goal is to boost lung cancer screening rates in Florida from 3% to 30% by 2030. Your donation will help us achieve that goal.


Are donations made to the FLHC tax-deductible?

Yes, donations made to Florida Lung Health Coalition, Inc., are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Donors should consult with their tax advisors with any questions about their deductions.


Are there any other ways to donate to the FLHC?

Yes, we accept volunteers for various initiatives. Please see our website for available roles or contact for additional information on how to get involved.


I have a question about my donation. Whom should I contact?

Please email us at We will reply as soon as possible. I am interested in a philanthropic donation and / or in sponsoring a program with a name of my choosing.


What is the first step?

Please email We will contact you to discuss your donation.